Monday, December 29, 2008

How to read and interpret a weekly economic calendar: Retail Prices Index (RPI) –

The RPI is the UK’s principal measure of consumer price inflation.

It is defined as an average measure of change in the prices of goods and services brought for the purpose of consumption by the vast majority of households in the UK. It is complied and published monthly. Once published, it is never revised. RPI includes date on food and drink, tobacco, housing, household goods and services, personal goods and services, transport fares, motoring costs, clothing and leisure goods and services. Measures of inflation are vital tools for economists, business and government. The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee sets

UK interest rates on the basis of a target figure for inflation set by Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Wage agreements, pensions and change in benefit levels are often linked directly to the RPI. Utility regulators impose restrictions on price movements based on the RPI.

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